Then we went to stay with Zappy at the crack house and my Joyful one was with us too, what an amazing time!
When Pine posted the list of those of us going she put a winking smiley face in instead of my name. I was the secret winker. It was so much fun watching the girls guess who the winker was, most of them were really surprised! We all had a blast doing the classes, stamping, laughing, eating and crying. There are not words to express how I feel about this group of talented women, we all truly care for each other and we always will!
Thank you Piney for putting the retreat together and thanks to HB and Maria too for the yummy food
! Oh, Stevie and Suze thank you too!

I miss y'all so much!
See ya tamarrah Lana, after I get my worshing done ;)